When it facilitates the further definition of a new system, HPTSC engineers use the best available data to produce computer models, simulations, and scaled versions of the final product.  The computer models provide relatively quick and cost-effective insight into expected system performance.  We can then use various data sets and the models to determine effectiveness across a broad spectrum of input.  Finally, we use the output of the simulations during the test and evaluation period to validate performance of the final product.  Rapid prototyping can result in developing systems with 100 percent functionality; however, these systems are not typically subjected to full engineering analysis and scrutiny. We use these proofs of concept to verify the feasibility and functionality of a concept beyond a computer-based simulation. Rapid prototypes are typically one of the best, and quickest, ways to distinguish alternative approaches and provide invaluable feedback to help mature the eventual design.

After refining results from conceptual design, modeling and simulations, and rapid prototypes, our engineers begin final production design and engineering.  They execute a functional decomposition allocating requirements to subsystems and define internal and external functional interfaces. The process culminates in the development of a set of specifications that define the required system and the internal and external interfaces.

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